
Hi there, Happy New Year of 2024! Recently we have made some updates to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for all users of APSystems. On the latest Privacy Policy, please find the changes as below: 1. We have expanded our Mobile Application to include AP Easy Power (please see the words highlighted in orange). 2. Under Your Rights, we deleted the listed rights under General Data Protection Regulation, and specified that "If you are located within the European Union, you share all the individual rights relating to your personal data protection under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you are not located within the European Union, you share all the individual rights under your jurisdiction country / regional laws and regulations". 3. We revised "How We Use Cookies" and updated paragraphs to reflect that "Both our website and mobile application only uses strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for you to browse our website and / or use the mobile application in order to use its features. All our cookies are not marketing cookies nor third party cookies. Therefore, no personal data will be collected nor processed via strictly necessary cookies". On the latest Terms of Service, please find the changes as below: 1. Under "Scope of Service", we added "(6) APSystems device supports automatic upgrade and upgrade upon user authorization". 2. Under "Limitation of Liability", we deleted "Third Parties change your data without your consent" to avoid any confusion. 3. We changed the wording "Changes to This Terms of Service" into "Changes of Terms of Service". We are sending this notification to every user who has an APSystem’s account. Continuing use of APSystem’s service following the update constitutes acceptance of our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Thank you, APSystems